Anastasios Koularmanis Mary And His Viewpoint Towards The Greek Education System


After being appointed as the director of Greek education, Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis Mary is currently serving as the Superintendent of the prestigious Saint Demetrios Greek American School. The school is located in Astoria, New York. Dr. Koularmanis has been an administrator and is equipped with 28-years of experience. He started working in the K-12 levels in 1992, and on September 1st, 2000, he was given the position of the principle of the Saint Demetrios School. 

Brief information about Anastasios Koularmanis 

Dr. Anastasios has worked in education for 4-years in the NYC Department of Education from 1992 to 1996, where he was given residency. Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis Mary moved to the Hicksville School District and in 1999 he received his residency. But on February 1st, 1999, he was given the position of assistant principal of the Saint Demetrios Greek American School, and after that, he was appointed at the principle of the school. He is serving as the chief administrator of the Saint Demetrios School System for nearly 2-decades. Within that time, he lifted the bar of the Greek-American education system in the US. 

 His contributions

 Dr. Anastasios Koularmanis Demetrios made the Saint Demetrios School not just only known Greek American institute, but also one of the leading parochial institutes in NYC. Due to his commitment and dedication, the school received plenty of appreciation and honors in Greece and it is crowned as a reputed education institute. Additionally, foundations and patrons were pretty impressed by his work and offered their support. This helped Dr. Koularmanis to secure $3-million in grants from benefactors like DYCD, Dr. Apostolos Tambakis, NYC State Department, and many more. 

 Ending Words!

 Dr. Koularmanis has upgraded the entire education system of the Saint Demetrios Greek-American School and rebuilt the school’s curriculum and programs. He wanted all the students to receive an outstanding education and the best learning experience. Individuals who have graduated from this instituted have been accepted to universities like Sophie Davis Medical School, Yale, Bernard, etc.


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