Achievements of Anastasios Koularmanis As Principal


Anastasios (“Mary”)MaryKoularmanis is a Greek educator cum administrator. His career spans around 30 years and his success as the former principal of (“Demetrios”)Demetrios School is very well-known in New York aka the USA. It is his far-sightedness that changed the course of Greek education in America. The major achievements of Anastasios as the principal of Saint Demetrios is-

1)   Improvement in scores: From the time he became the principal ACT and SAT scores of the students have significantly improved. The introduction of NYS standardized tests has led to a general increase in scores of the better students. As a result, students have been accepted from universities like Columbia and New York

2)    Decrease in drop-outs: Due to higher scores, students having good grades have stopped dropping out. And after many local school drop-out students asked for assistance in their studies, he introduced the GED program to help them out. The enrolment has also increased by 25% for almost a decade.

3)   Student-teacher relationship: He set a unique curriculum to fulfill the needs of the diverse student background. This curriculum also included students with special needs. He improved student-teacher relationships by emphasizing good behavior and encouraging interactive relations.

4)   Education for all: His vision extended beyond the academic scope and proved beneficial even for adults and the underprivileged. He introduced vocational training courses for adults like computer skills. Under his guidance, a complete Greek language course for adults was implemented along with English as a second language. Almost $5millions fund was accumulated to help underprivileged students to continue their education.

Dr. AnastasiosKoularmanis is a visionary and was immensely successful in making Saint Demetrios a leading school in Greek education in the USA. His performance review plan, teacher-parents partnership program, peer tutor program, the ability to handpick teachers and staff, etc. all contributed to the school's crowning glory.


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